Denali Dymondwood
Denali Twist Pen
Dymondwood (Green/brown/blue/gray) with black titanium trim
Refill - Parker-style
Length - 4.8", Max diameter - 0.51", Diameter 1" above tip - 0.44", Weight - 1.4 ounces
This unusual body is made out of Dymondwood. Multiple layers of brightly dyed northern hardwood veneers (green, brown, blue and gray) are vacuum impregnated with resin and then subjected to high temperatures while being compressed. The resultant product has the characteristics of high density hardwood and polycarbonate that can be polished to a fine sheen. The body is complemented with and extremely durable black titanium plating. This is a shorter style pen that will easily fit in a small pocket or purse, yet the body is thick enough to hold easily. The top cap twists to extend the Parker-style refill.